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New! Caron One Pound, Caron Simply Soft and Herrschners 2-Ply Afghan palettes - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  The Herrschner's Worsted Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

New!  We've just added the palette for Deborah Norville Everyday Yarn!  If you knit and/or crochet, this is for you.  This is a beautiful yarn with a nice feel to it, a good alternative in worsted weight acrylic!  (Thank you again to BetwixtTheStitch!)

New!  The Red Heart Super Saver Palette - thank you to BetwixtTheStitch!

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Welcome! Smile
Filet crochet does end up looking almost like a regular crochet graph sans colors, but in this instance the blocks don't indicate single stitches, they indicate "closed" filet blocks (of stitches) or "open" filet blocks, depending. This is the way a normal filet pattern is represented, as you can see in this neat tutorial for working in filet:
If you're looking for a word pattern, we currently have no option for one in filet, only a graphical representation.
Currently, filet is only available in the Premier area. If you'd like to use the regular freePatternWizard to make filet patterns you certainly may, but those are keyed to make rectangular patterns (since single crochet stitches are rectangular) and not specifically square filet block patterns, so the results may not have the aspect ratio you want and the finished work may end up looking skewed or wonky.
Hope that helps!

I'm so sorry, and I completely understand...I gave up on the last project on black, too. Cry It's such a crying shame because black fabric looks sooooo gorgeous, but it's just too hard on the eyes. Cry

You've definitely done quite a bit more...fantastic! Kiss Especially considering you had less time.
How kind of you to help your dad renovate! Kiss Is it more cosmetic work or major repairs?
LOL, sigh, there's no end to the amount of repairs that must be done here. The house is old (late 1800s) and it was pretty much abused in the 1980s, when a guy destroyed whatever he could. After that it was owned by a family who tried to do their own repairs but didn't know what they were doing.
This year a roofing job is in the plans, in addition to a few other things. It's very slow and since so many repairs needed are major (plumbing, electrical, etc) it's going to be done over several years.
Oh, yes, big patches of solid color take forever! Soooo many stitches. And then the color changes, ouch! All worth it in the end, though. Kiss
Honestly, I suggest just being as neat as you want to. I spent several years trying to make the back look as good as the front. Undecided It drove me insane. It stemmed from when an acquaintance - without asking! - turned my work over and then made a rude comment about the thread ends. Thereafter I was always obsessed with how the back looked. It really took some of the joy out of stitching.
Now I think that if you're happy with it, that's all that matters. Kiss If someone complains that it's messy, let THEM stitch it for you. Laughing LOL.

We're planning on adding word charts for beading at some point, but unfortunately, I don't have a time frame available.
As for distinguishing colors, have you tried designating Symbols Only or Both Colors and Symbols in section 7, under the pdf option? That should resolve the problem with colors being too close. Smile


I can draw a bit.. But we have these overhead projectors (if you know what they are). You simply put something in it, that is printed on transparent plastic, and they you turn the maschine on, and you will now see the pattern on your wall.. You can now simply draw after the shadows that the maschine is casting.. Cheesy

Lavender is a beautiful color.. I wouldn't dare paint an entire room in that color (but only because I would be afraid I wanted to change it shortly after)..

I'm not in to the almost white, but not white colors either.. They all look the same.. o.O

Oh come on,  we both know it's your biggest dream.. A brothel like room in your house.. :p You can even complete the look by installing red lamps and so on :p LOOOOOL

Oh the dark color in the bedroom.. My mother has this beautiful, almost black, dark gray in her bedroom.. All white furniture.. I love it..
The room gets a lot of natural light, so it doesn't seem dark dark, if you know what I mean..

Glad you like the sweaters.. They are all knitted by my mother Smiley
I have a ton more, but the boys grew out of them..
She made one with a dachshund going all around the waist once.. Super cute.. Cheesy

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